

true confessions

{list for my grand re-opening, Fall 2010}

I am a list maker. I love a good list. A legal pad is my weapon of choice. I have a library of used legal pads....and lists! More than loving to make a list, I love looking back on my lists for I never throw a used legal pad away nor do I ever tear the pages out! They've become my journals of sorts for my retail milestones. From when I first opened to present day how my lists have changed and progressed!

My legal pads are not for the day to day {read as ordinary, routine-y} stuff, they are the big guns I pull out for PLANNING. Events, seasonal buying trips, ideas and inspiration are all legal pad worthy! I get excited when the need arises for a legal pad!

As I look at the list pictured above, I can't help but wonder what my list making skills say about me. I don't always use the lines, preferring to go diagonally. I don't put one line through my accomplished task, I black it out with several lines. My lists are also categorized {can't you tell?}, never all lumped together in one continuous list. {I do my grocery list this way also, keeping each aisle in it's own column, which are never in rows horizontally or vertically, just in a diff. spot of the sheet.} Some categories are circled, some are boxed and every now and then you'll see a star or check mark. Are you still there? I guess I was thinking that you would need all those details so that one of you would analyze this for me! Sorry if I bored you!

At any rate, all this to say, I got out my legal pad today to start my scribbles for Fall and Holiday 2011! I think I have my theme already, and some of the buying has been started. I also am sitting on a secret about an event in late September! I need to gather my thoughts, re-read my notes and get crackin' on this. I do my best thinking with my trusty legal pad in my hands...after I spend some time down going memory lane with it!


  1. Oh Laurie, you're too much! Have you been in my office lately? It's covered in Post-It usual everyday way of making "to do" lists! And I, like you, organize my grocery list by where it's at in the store! Boy do I get mad when my husband writes it in one straight line down the page! I tell him "That's not how you do it! I'll forget something and have to go back to the back of the store again and again!" So then I re-write the list, MY way! : )

  2. No wonder we work well together Kris!

  3. And this my friend, is another reason why I love you to pieces!!! I had no idea you kept your legal pads!! Fascinating!! :)

  4. I love that you didn't know that about me! It's out there now for you and the world to see! I'm considering blogging "true confessions" regularly! Who knows what else you'll learn!
