

and for my next trick....!

This is so cool! {Mostly to me, I'm sure!} I love when this old dog learns a new trick! Here is the newest Vera Bradley catalog that you can now see by clicking on the image or clicking here! Please be patient as it takes a min. or 2 to download, or upload...or whatever. I've never done this before and I will spare you the technical details, mostly because I'm still not sure how I did it, or if it's working correctly! I will tell you that this little clickable link did not come without a good amount of screaming, whining, keyboard pounding, head scratching, and general {misdirected} anger towards... well, my husband. {He's such a saint!} I sent out the email blast to my customers only to learn that the first 35 or so had a glitch, and the darn thing wouldn't open. I had to scramble around a bit to fix it and I'm still really not sure it's working. I'll find out, I'm sure!

The reason I had to learn how to do this, is because I misunderstood the new procedure for the Vera Bradley mailings. Ok, it's more like, I don't agree with the changes they have made, went into denial, considered boycotting the advertising, came to my senses...and missed the deadlines. I know some of you really look forward to and enjoy the catalogs and I apologize but VB took what used to be a quick 1 step process and turned it into a labor intensive 4 step ordeal. They have since come to their senses and changed it back starting in the fall. Until then, we'll just look at is as our attempt at going green! Yep, we're doing our part.

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